Pippa's Photo Studio

The 'Pippa studio' is a 16" Softbox Light Tent, it reduces shadows giving 'even' lighting.  The lights are 'near daylight'.  The instructions say that you can achieve good results with daylight or flash and a Softbox, I havent tried that yet.



A black backdrop is included with the Softbox

I'm very pleased with the results. At £100ish with shipping from Shanghai this was something of an extravagance (my Birthday pressie to ME!).  If you are in the US you can get something like this for about $100. I was going to wait until I visit Philly in the autumn....but I wanted it NOW!  I bought my set from this seller.
TIP: find out how to use your camera's 'white balance' feature, if it has one :-)

!CLICK! to enjoy